AmigaActive (1061/2143)

From:Don Cox
Date:14 May 2000 at 09:56:56
Subject:Re: PFS2 - 3 Upgrade (Long)

On 13-May-00, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> My experience was the opposite. I was unable to copy all the files
> from a PFS formatted ZIP disk to a FFS formatted disk.
> The PFS disk reported 88MB free when formatted and held 88MB of files.
> The FFS disk reported 95MB and held 86-87MB of files.

It's going to depend on the size of the files and the block size of the
FFS disk. If you copy a lot of small files from a 1024-byte block FFS
drive to a 16k byte block FFS disk, they will take up at least twice as much

So some combinations of files with FFS settings may take more space than
PFS3, others less.

Isn't the main claim to fame of PFS that if a save is interrupted, it
doesn't perform a time-consuming check of the whole drive? Validating a
drive in case of doubt was a good thing when drives were 40Megs, but
takes too long on a 600 Meg partition containing many thousands of

I suppose this question will get less important when we have operating
systems that don't crash.


Don Cox

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